Penelope Harrington
Church View
1a Fore Street
Devon EX15 3AN
01884 840017
Mobile 07968020258
About Penelope
I am a professionally trained classical Homoeopath and registered member of The Society of Homoeopaths.
My passion for Homoeopathy started 36 years ago having developed a problem during my first pregnancy. I did not want to take suppressive medication with possible side effects so I turned to homoeopathy. I was prescribed a medicine from the natural world which healed my condition safely and effectively. Ever since then I have been using homoeopathic medicine as an alternative, better option.
My training took place at the School of Homoeopathy with Misha Norland and I have studied with Rajan Sankaran Jayesh Shah, Dinesh Chauhan and others. I visited India in 2009 to deepen and develop my practice and subsequently I have developed my work to integrate the Radioactive and Jewel Remedies among others and to work with the different kingdoms.
I am a Mother of 4 children and Grandmother to 6 Grandchildren.
I practice in Uffculme Devon, in Reapers Tiverton, and the Children's Clinic of Homeopathy at The Pegasus Centre, Wellington, Somerset.
lnitial Consultations and follow ups:
£35 per half hours work
£35 Initial Consultation £30 FOLLOW UP
It is appreciated if missed appointments are paid unless 24 hours notice is given.
Improve your Health, Immune System, Sense of Well Being and Energy with HOMOEOPATHY
“I have a special interest in helping Children who are experiencing difficulties at school or at home, in relation to an aspect of their school or family life. These problems can cover general difficulties in growth and development, or more specific behavioral problems manifesting in such a way that creates difficulties in adjusting or coping with everyday life. This of course covers Fears, which can cause sleep problems and other issues. Each child is different, and has a unique picture. Homeopathy is able to support and help your child who is suffering, find a healthy point of balance. Not every child needs specialist support, but many children experience difficulties and suffer at some point, during school life for example, or during their own development as an individual or member of a family. Homeopathy is a gentle way to support your child and help them to overcome difficulties and fears that can act as obstacles to health, well being and balance. “
The Children’s Clinic of Homeopathy started 25 years ago. I have been running the Clinic together with a colleague for the last 20 years at SUNSEED HEALTH SHOP, 12 High Street, Wellington TA 21 8NS. 01823 662313. Also at the Pegasus Centre, 35 Fore Street, Wellington TA21 8AG. 01404 891688
Also at my Practice 1A Fore Street, Uffculme, Cullompton Devon EX15 3AN. 01884 840017
Rays of Light Blog

What is Homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy is a complete system of medicine which powerfully stimulates the body's own healing ability. This promotes health and the "feel good factor" in an individual.
Homoeopathy as a Science
All matter consists of atoms which vibrate at different speeds. This energy animates all life. Around the body is an electro-magnetic energy field and this is where homoeopathic medicines have their primary action. Homoeopathy is the art and skill of matching the pattern of illness an individual is experiencing to that of a homoeopathic medicine or remedy.
Homoeopathy and History
Hippocrates 2000 years ago realised that there were two ways of treating illness: the way of OPPOSITES and the way of SIMILARS. Allopathic medicine means in Greek 'opposite suffering'. Homoeopathy is the Greek word for 'similar suffering'. In conventional medicine, the system treats a condition by giving a drug which brings about an artificial state e.g. sleep problems. The way of OPPOSITES is to give a drug to bring about artificial sleep. This involves the use of large doses of drugs which can cause side effects and addiction and can make the original condition worse.
Homoeopathy is the way of SIMILARS
The patient is given a specially prepared minute dose of a substance e.g. coffee, which causes sleeplessness in a healthy person. This will correct the imbalance, and enable the patient to sleep naturally once more, with no danger of side effects or addiction.
Homoeopathy is Holistic Medicine
The holistic approach to medicine takes a wider view of illness. The underlying cause of disease, and the different ways in which illness is expressed by the individual are important. Homoeopaths treat mental, emotional and physical symptoms. There is an intimate connection, since all symptoms are a part of the whole picture and this represents the patients suffering. The effects of Homoeopathic treatment are often subtle, gentle and long lasting. However they can be dynamic and immediate when used in First Aid e.g. ARNICA for shock bruising and broken bones
How can it be used?
Homoeopathy can be used effectively for everyday health problems and accidents. For CHRONIC complaints, recurring patterns of illness, a consultation with a Homoeopath and a course of treatment will bring healthy changes.
What can homoeopathy be used for???
- For support during pregnancy and post natal year
- For childhood illness, mumps, chicken pox, behavioral and sleep problems
- For help over bereavement, for separation and divorce
- For eczema, psoriasis, and skin problems
- For asthma, bronchitis, coughs
- For insomnia
- For sports injuries, torn ligaments, sprains, strains for broken bones, fractures and problems with slow healing
- For hay fever and lowered immune system
- For improved well-being
- For Women and the Menopause
Patients Feed Back
"My experience of Homoeopathy is very positive. Having someone deal with you as a 'whole person' is reassuring and supportive, a good first step in the healing process. It probably helped start my second labour at two weeks over due date" SV Tiverton - March 2015
"l was recommended Penelope by a good friend of mine, I have never been to a homoeopath before but she made me feel at ease straight away, I knew I could put my trust in her, she was able to help me get back to full strength" - March 2015
"When my young son became very poorly Penelope was able to prescribe a remedy which made him better. He likes her and knows that the tablets make him better!"
"Recently after a member of our family died, Penelope was able to prescribe a remedy which helped with the grieving process calmly and I was able to cope with life again"
"Our family uses homoeopathic first aid remedies to help with all aspects of family life"
Ms B Foster Carer Tiverton, Devon Ms B came with Acute Toothache from which she had been suffering with for a week, and although taking painkillers was still in excruciating pain and unable to sleep. I gave in high potencies to cover the symptoms she described:- BELLADONNA, HYPERICUM, and CHAMOMILLA This is her Testimonial:-
"I had the best nights sleep! How much time should I leave between remedies?" …………about 20 - 30 mins "Amazing - I haven't needed any pain relief - on the mend - I'm v v impressed……….the relief I got from those remedies reminded me how remarkably effective homeopathy can be and wondered why I'd suffered such pain for over a week"
The Homeopathic treatment Penelope has given Bertie, our dog, has been wonderful. He had been suffering from extreme anxiety. The Remedies have been miraculous, we have our happy dog back. He has recovered so well that he can deal with things he doesn't like and let them go. It has been phenomenal. Thank you Penelope
from MS G T of Poltimore, Nr Exeter, Devon